Our new website provides our existing and prospective clients a simple yet interactive view of our work and the services we offer. Stay tuned to our blog for new ideas!
You love your parents. If you didn't, putting in the effort to be their caregiver wouldn't be a thing. But it is a thing, and it's a very big thing to be the caregiver for your parents. That's why it's incredibly important to protect yourself from caregiver burnout....
Let's face it: we Boomers are aging. It's not our favorite thing in life, but it is inevitable. And it really doesn't have to be so bad, especially if we're taking excellent care of not only our bodies but, maybe more importantly, our minds. We all know that we should...
Recently, I had the privilege of assisting a client with a move from one Independent Senior Living complex to another. She had been living in the apartment for about 7 months before she heard about Turning Point and decided to give us a call. We met together and she...
We know how important it is for seniors to be staying active and fit both physically and mentally on a regular basis. But what happens when weather gets in the way? Don't worry, there's plenty of things to do inside that will challenge the elderly physically and...
Caring for aging parents is difficult, to put it mildly. The role of parent and child seems to flip and that is never an easy transition. It can be hard for parents especially to recognize that their own children might have the better perspective and thus better...
It's true, parenting is for the young. The daily grind of raising littles isn't ideal for those of us who are on the other side of the hill. But Grandparenting... well, it's just that-- Grand! There's the obvious benefits of grandparenting that allows us to love on...
We are blessed in this country to have the freedom to make decisions regarding our own health. The problem comes in when we aren't able to speak up for ourselves any longer. This is a common scenario in those who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer's Disease. But it...
Each new phase of life brings about its own challenges. But one thing is consistent throughout our entire lives - we need community. Isolation is a threat to every age, but its rampant among senior citizens. It may be harder to get around, or friends and loved ones...
Drinking from the Fountain of Youth There's a reason it's called the "Fountain of Youth." Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated will make you feel younger, look younger, and even act like your more youthful self. Dehydration is the culprit behind many ailments...